What do we know about cats? For a start, they’ve been with humanity for millennia. According to the latest studies, cats were domesticated approximately 12,500 years ago. They’re with us for 12.5 millennia! But even if to take the common information that they’re with us for 9-10 thousand years, it is still a huge span of time, right? We also know that cats are super lazy: they sleep from 13 to 20 hours a day! That makes them a huge dormouse, which can snooze for 2/3 of their entire lifetime.
There are also other amazing and fun facts about cats, which you can this or that way find in our freely playable cat games of our online catalog:
• cats are the most popular pets on the planet and around 0.5 billion of them live in houses of humans
• although cats usually weigh from 4 to 5 kg, the biggest ever registered weight of a cat was 21.3 kg (46 pounds)!
• they have excellent senses of vision, hearing, smelling, and they walk super silent when they hunt
• a regular cat that lives in a house is around 96% a tiger according to its genome
• it is believed that cats can’t taste sweet, which distinguishes them from all other mammals living on the planet today
• cats have claws bent in a way that makes them easy to climb the trees head ahead but they can’t climb down head ahead and so they have to pull their body down to climb down but it’s very hard for them (that’s why so many cats and kittens are taken off the trees by 911 servicemen every day)
• we have near 300 playable free cat games
• cats have more bones than a human has (230 vs 206)
• whiskers, which are sensory organs to taste and smell, are located not only under their nose but also on the front legs
• they are 2 times smarter than dogs but never show that actually
• their eyes are the largest in size compared to their head circumference than any currently living mammal on Earth has
• the collective length of all their whiskers is the same as their body length, which makes them so good at sniffing and tasting.
We’re sure that given all these facts, you will enjoy the freely playable cat games on our server even more.