Taxicabs are an important part of our daily lives. We need a taxi on many occasions: drive people and their belongings from one place to another (especially when there is a need to do it fast, in cases like driving from or to an airport or train station), deliver food or parcels from one place to another without a physical presence of a passenger, or pick up somebody along the way.
Taxis are very essential for a modern style of life when people often rush to places. There are cities on our planet, where there are tens of thousands of taxi cars working on the streets every day. But there are also small residential areas (villages, towns, and territories inhabited by a few people), where there are no cabs at all. Some places are rather deprived of taxis because it is impossible for a regular car to fit too narrow and/or too steep streets. There are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of remote villages all over the world, where people have never seen taxicabs in their life! However, the common practice of economically developed countries is to have taxis around and that’s why many online taxi games to play were created.
Today, taxis are motor vehicles but throughout the development of humanity, there were other types, very often powered by animals (horses, mules, buffalos) and people themselves. The latter exist today — they are called rickshaws (singular: rickshaw). A man or two take a cart/wagon into their hands or use additional mechanical devices and start moving it with their power.
You can play many free taxi games in our catalog. We have collected dozens of them, completely understanding the importance of taxicabs in our lives. In freely playable taxi games, it is possible to use motor vehicles of various configurations, which can ride and fly. Some of those taxis are trains (isn’t it fun to stop a train when you need it, not at a predefined train station?).