Blaze And The Monster Machines
Blaze and his universe appeared on screens of TVs in 2014, being aired on the network of Nickelodeon. As of 2023, there are 7 seasons, each including 18-26 episodes (we’re sure their number will increase because the show isn’t closed yet).The story is focused on a fictional universe, where most of its inhabitants are cars. To be more specific, they are monster trucks — large-wheeled vehicles, such as the ones you see in monster truck competitions, which are super popular in the US.
The computer-animated cartoon is designed for children of 2+ years and tells them about science, technology, engineering & mathematics (abbreviated as STEM) in an interactive and gaming manner to make it easier for them to learn about the world around every one of us.
Protagonists often start to ‘speak’ to the audience of viewers, asking them for some piece of advice directly from the screen. This is a powerful and positive educational-and-entertaining animated cartoon series, which has millions of viewers around the world and serves as a source of information, which children will receive after paying attention to what’s happening in episodes.
Main & periodically appearing heroes & people’s crew
The cartoon revolves around the adventures of Blaze, who is the main protagonist & a number of his fellows.
1. Blaze is a red-and-orange car depicted as a monster truck (which, in his universe is categorized as Monster Machine). He is an extremely invigorated, energetic, flamboyant & never-gets-downed character, which is present in every episode of 7 seasons, which exist so far (as of 2023). Just like in the universe of animated motion pictures ‘Cars’ by Pixar, everyone in his world is a wheeled car, which does not have other limbs but wheels — with the exception of humans, who also act in the show. The rest — animals, fish, birds & insects — are all cars. Without Blaze, there would be no show because he is not only the main driver of the scenes, action & adventures but also the biggest star in his universe, where everybody knows and loves him. Well, all but several individual characters, which always try to overcome him. This character can be not only a regular monster truck but can also turn into various other vehicles to solve particular tasks. To make such a turn (and return back to his normal state), he needs no spare parts or technical intrusion — he just wishes for it, says some ‘magical’ words & voila — he is tuned & upgraded.
2. Blaze is nearly never operated by himself. Although he is a separate alive ‘person’, he is still operated by AJ — a boy sitting behind the wheel & making various commands & operations. This boy never seems to age through the seasons, staying a teen all the time. He also somehow only has a sole task — helping his car; so he does not have a family, home, or friends other than cars. He is an expert in various equipment and science and since later seasons, he started to explain all the STEM concepts to viewers rather than Blaze himself, who did it in the earlier versions of the show. Probably, such a change was necessary to better relate the show to the audience, who did not accept well the talking car but would listen to a human. Although other cars are not operated by any human, Blaze somehow is. That brings the viewer to the thought that a car operated by a human is much better and more efficient than a car, which is self-propelled (because no other car in the show is the same big star as Blaze in his world).
3. Blaze’s antagonists Crusher and Pickle. The first is very distinct from the main star of this TV show: he is a white-and-blue truck (which can also occasionally transform). Although he is ‘bad’ (actually, mildly opposing to Blaze), he is depicted as a nice-character truck with a friendly smile, who is only occasionally grumpy or angry. Pickle is his buddy and always-around sidekick, who helps Crusher in his actions and supports him. Although it was never clearly said during the show that Pickle is subordinate, it is completely obvious from the way he communicates with Crusher. Crusher in their duo is a smart one while Pickle is dumb (sometimes, impossibly dumb, which makes a lot of viewers wonder how it is even possible to be so dumb). Pickle’s name obviously derives from the green color of his paint and smoothened shape of his trunk, which makes his general silhouette depict a mid-size pickle. Although Crusher never wins Blaze (not even once, which is kinda impossible and silly), in every series, he tries and tries & tries to do that, not even thinking to quit (which would be the most obvious solution after so many fails). That means he is absolutely stubborn and obsessed. And also, he never changes tactics and strategy — he always relies on cheating and not even once had tried to win Blaze without cheating. Thus, we beg our game lovers and readers of texts: do not become someone like Crusher. Ever. Because otherwise, you’ll just get stuck in development and won’t progress.
4. Gabby is the only other person in addition to AJ in the show. We don’t know how did it happen that two real humans were trapped in the universe of monster vehicles and why don’t try to escape. But since they seem to be perfectly happy with their roles and lives, we’re happy for them, too. Gabby is a friend (but not a girlfriend) of AJ and they occasionally take a ride in the Blaze’s interior. She works in the cartoon as a mechanic and she’s really good at it.
5. Stripes is a car, whose body is painted with violet, orange & yellow colors. He is good at jumping and doing stunts.
6. Starla is a purple pickup truck, a cowgirl, whose feature is lime-lighted by a cowgirl hat she constantly wears.
7. Darlington is a white-and-blue striped car, which cabin is shaped like a helmet (of a firefighter or a police officer). He loves stunts and never gets sad.
8. Zeg is a half-dinosaur-half-car truck, which nose (or the hood) is similar to the tractor’s one. He can change his body but his ‘head’ always stays the same.
9. Watts is a light-green-wheeled and white-and-cherry-colored electric-powered female-gendered monster truck that speaks with a South American accent. She is another female character in the main cast together with Starla.
There are over a hundred additional, minor & recurring characters in the Blaze show — that’s in addition to the main team, listed above.
In addition to the main cast and characters in the universe of Blaze and his friends and competitors, there are specially invited characters, which were voiced by prominent people:
• Carl Reiner (the voice of Christmas), the author, actor & comedian, whose career started as early as the 1950s
• Melissa Rauch (Light Thief), whom many of us know from The Big Bang Theory, where she depicted Bernadette
• Mayim Bialik (Great Sphinx), whom you also know from the Big Bang, where she portrayed Amy Farrah Fowler
• Billy Ray Cyrus (Lazard the Chameleon), the father of Miley Cyrus, an actor, singer, producer & businessman
• Judy Greer (Baby Gherkin & another one, Sister Lilly), an actress, who is active since 1997 in films, television & theater
• DJ Khaled (the Master Ninja Blackbelt), a rapper singer, producer, executive in the recording industry & occasional voice and live-action actor
• Nia Long (Officer Anna), an actress, whose career started in 1986
• “Weird Al” Yankovic (Litter Critter), a singer, songwriter, musician, producer, actor, voice actor, entrepreneur, philanthropist & a man with many other roles, whose career is still active although it was started back in 1976 (when he was 16).
It is also worth noting that the voice actors of this TV show include some professional sportsmen. It was once attended by a racer Danica Patrick, who voiced Rally as a special guest star. And there was Billie Jean King, a former professional tennis player, who was the world’s #1 among women. She started her career in 1968 and retired in 1990. An exceptional appearance must be also noted, made by Katherine Megan McArthur, who is a NASA astronaut, engineer, oceanographer & a great person. She appeared as a special animated version of herself named in the cartoon Commander Megan.
There were so many other great and prominent people involved in character voicing but we simply won’t have space to list them all in this text.
The competitive premise of the show can be compared to the Peppa Pig series and Paw Patrol series, which are also made for children. The main feature of all these kids’ cartoons is that they don’t really have antagonists in them — there is no classical fight between good and bad, nice and evil. Nearly all characters featured therein are good and those who have to compete with the good ones are not evil, rather, they are simply competitors. That takes away the element of scariness, iniquity, misfortune & badness, only leaving elements of wrongfulness, competitiveness & average-level mischief, which are healthier for kids’ perception. In this manner, the smaller and smallest viewers will not be scared by watching the show and will not be frightened by obviously evil characters. All antagonists (particularly, Crusher and his buddy Pickle) or wild animals (bulls or whatever they are) are depicted only as mildly mischievous and misbehaving, but they do not intend to harm protagonists, kill or mutilate them — this will simply never happen in this show that’s completely filled with positive vibes.
The element of competitiveness, though, is a very important one in the show. It creates situations, where the very idea of life is exhibited to viewers: life is an endless competition, struggle & pursuit of your goals. Without it, it would be impossible to create nearly all situations, where antagonists and protagonists want to achieve anything, would it be victory in a race or just a good performance of whatever they do. Also, from competitiveness, many situations arise, where the viewers learn how to overcome obstacles, which are created very often by mild protagonists or by nature. In that way, viewers are embedded with much more goodness than badness, which is an extremely positive thing for the general evolution of humanity.
Games with this character on our website of free games
Although there are many games featuring Blaze and all of his friends (and antagonists) in the world, we collect only those on our website, which can be played online and for free. Also since our website of games for boys and girls is tuned for several specific platforms (computers, laptops, tablets & smartphones), we do not host those of them, which are designed for other gaming platforms, such as Kinect, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, Game Boy & similar others.
The kinds of games we present for everyone’s unparalleled enjoyment are mostly the same vigorous and energetic, as the main protagonist of the show, who always radiates exceptional positivity and spirit, which help him overcome various obstacles. In our free games, gamers will receive the possibility to enjoy:
• football and other sports games
• camping in the countryside
• finding the differences between pictures
• racing & running
• memorizing the objects to find them in pictures
• free drawing, painting & coloring up
• various duels, which might include inventory from the original cartoon show
• repairs and technological tune-ups (which is logical because the characters are cars in their specific universe, which scoops its inspiration from the ‘Cars’ by Pixar)
• doing stunts (because a lot of people love watching monster truck stunt shows)
• celebrating festivities, like carnivals & other games.
When you will be exploring these games’ ambiances and styles, you will be immersed in the original feeling of spending time with your best friends, which you have when you watch the cartoons of this animated TV series. During their adventurous pastime in episodes, which is supplemented by invigorating music, you, as a viewer, receive, in addition to wonderful pastime, also new pieces of knowledge in science fiction, education, comedy & various general sciences. That’s close to what you will be experiencing when playing our collection of online free games, which we try to constantly replenish.